
Posts Tagged ‘celebrities’

We were recently interviewed on SYN’s breakfast show to chat about Role Models– and it got us thinking…Image

What is a “good” role model?  What traits should we be looking for when considering who is a “good” or “positive” role model?

The dictionary definition of a role model is “a person whose behaviour, example, or success is or can be emulated by others.”

In today’s society many teens turn to celebrities, reality stars or sports people as their “role models”. There are many inspiring, motivational and “real” celebrities that provide teens with positive examples via their personal experiences- the ups and the downs!  Teens often “look up to” and aspire to emulate people who, in their minds possess traits or outcomes they wish to copy, are motivated by their achievements and endeavour to set their personal goals and traits around these benchmarks.

So what makes someone a worthy candidate whose “behaviour, example, or success is or can be emulated by others”?  Do we as a society place too much pressure and expectation on those in the public eye? Are we entitled to “judge” celebrities when their actions are outside the boundaries of what we, the public, consider to be positive and acceptable? Does it mean that if for whatever reason you become a “celebrity” or in the public eye that you are automatically expected to behave a certain way and become a “role model”- even if you don’t choose to “sign up” for that part of the job??

Finding a balance between what we see in the media and what happens in our own backyard could be the key. Teens may be unaware that positive, realistic and good “role models” can be as close to them as their parents, teachers, family friends or other adults that they come into contact with on a regular basis. Current research shows that teens actively learn and follow the actions of their parents and adults around them- both positive and negative- in regards to their future decisions, choices and actions.

As an adult we have a very important and unique ability to help influence the thoughts and ideas our children and teens have and it is through this that adults can decide to “lead by example” and ultimately provide their children with a healthy, positive and realistic view on today’s society and it’s influences.

Keeping the lines of communication open between adults and teens, sharing your views and opinions and the reasons behind them as well as listening to, valuing and exploring your teens views and opinions can help build trust, expectations and consequences- who knows, the best role models for our teens could be YOU!!

Just BU aims to provide teens with access to “real role models sharing real stories.”

Please visit www.justbu.com.au for more information

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